The curveballs keep coming! Surprised? Don’t be. This is Big Brother Africa after all!
Downville woke up to a spectacle this morning. After the gang had finished their morning exercise, Big Brother ordered them to gather in the lounge. Not really sure what to expect, they did as they were told – albeit sleepily.
To their surprise, a stranger had entered their living space. It was none other than one half of Upville’s ‘Terrible Twins’, DKB. The Ghanaian Housemate was projected into Downville via an incredible Holomist, which left the Downvillers startled.
Silence fell over the room as the lights were dimmed. DKB addressed the Housemates, bragging about how incredible Upville is.
Want to know exactly what he said? Watch this sensational video below:
Posted by Big brother Afrika
on 13:50. Filed under
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