
Blog: How The Roki-Maneta Fight Started.

 I hope by the time you finish reading this you won’t  be  perverted any more  as you have been on who started the fight between Roki and Maneta that led to their disqualification……..This is how the day was:
People’s worry started from Maneta’s  Diary Room session where she came putting on Black Clothes,black shoes ,black makeup and she explained to Biggie that she was feeling death and deadly inside that’s why she appeared like that.Maneta told Biggie that she hates the people in the House because they are two faced and don’t like her. ” Biggie you see these people, they are two faced, backstabbers and I am not going to be nice to anyone.”Maneta said. She went on to tell Biggie not to be shocked if he saw here fighting the whole day!
A couple of minutes later while Keaganwas in the kitchen,the guys (Roki, Prezzoand Keitta) were having a drink from the garden  and there came Maneta to join the company to make   a number of four . A few minutes later Maneta moved into the House for a few minutes leavinger her drink behind, coming back, only to find Roki had taken the drink and  her glass was empty. Asking who had taken it, Roki was there to explain first that he had poured it away because a fly had fallen in it ” Waka(fly) fell in it” The Zimbabwean lad epxlained. Prezzo and Keitta were giggling while backing up their buddy that the fly had fallen into Maneta’s Drink and they told her to understand.
Though they tried to convince Maneta, they were just building castles in the air as the Zimbabwean lass just fumed instead of chilling.She went ahead to ask Roki put back her drink but still to no avail. Seeing that the peaceful means were not to work, Maneta holding  a  bottle  of water approached where Roki was seated. She was going to pour water over his head but before she did, she told him that she could do anything to him because she was dark..” I can do anything to you now, do you see what I am putting on, that’s my inner beauty,its black, its deadly.” The Zimbabwean lass emphasised.
Roki saw this threat as a joke and jokingly told Maneta,”Maybe I make you more backer,uhh?”…….Maneta saw this as a great opportunity for the fight she wanted and  provokingly she told Roki….” Yeah, make me more blacker, make me blacker, ….do it ..do it now.” At first Roki thought it as a joke and he just stood infront of her and acted like he wanted to kiss her.As  Maneta was on her mission  she went on to provoke Roki and she geared Roki.
Roki got a glass of water and poured it over Maneta’s head to which she didn’t sit back and let herself  being under looked. She also backfired with something that looked like milk , could it  have been  Amarula?…. there am not  so sure, she poured it over Roki’s face and spread even into the dreadlocks too . By this time, it was Junia, Prezzo and Keitta who were witnessing then scandal….Hey did I  tel you when Junia joined the crew in the garden?……..haha.NO  I  didn’t….it was after she heard that Maneta was angrily  demanding Roki to pour her adrink in the glass.
Maneta went to the kitchen were she found Keagan and she got the knife from him and she angrily started cutting the chopping  board while the rest of the Housemates were watching.
Seeing this happening , Biggie called the two in the Diary room at different intervals  for some counselling.
In the Diary room Maneta was seen feeling low as she was explaing to Biggie that she was feeling like embarassing her country for fighting with her fellow countryman  ”I feel like embarassing my country, I am fighting with my countryman who is supposed to know and understand me more than any person in the House.” Maneta said
For Roki he said that the day before(Sunday), maneta showed her fellow Housemates that she was OK, but after the nominations were held  and she found her name on the eviction list she was no more . “Yesterday she was confident and showed everyone that she is OK , but after her name was read on the eviction list, she changed,today she came putting on black and intimidating that she is to do something evil ……, so she finally ended  up pouring water in my cramp.” Roki told Biggie.
Biggie gave the same advise to the two which was to cool down as they both knew of the people who practiced violence and where they both ended up. Both were let to go back to the House.
The drama continued when Maneta was upstairs in the bedroom trying to apply more black Makeup on her face and there entered Roki with water bottle. He poured it over Maneta’s head, spread into the hair and finally went up to the bed! Pezzo came and pulled Roki away as Maneta was  becoming more pissed and thinking of what to do.She finally  walked angrily out if the room heading downstairs up to the kitchen where she got the cleaning liquid and poured it into Roki’s eyes.
Roki received medical attention from a doctor…….The two were called in the Diary room the second time and the result was to kick them out of the House………yeah….that’s how it was and I hope now everyone has got the source of the fight and you know who is to blame.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 21:39. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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