
Blog: The Secret Behind The Star Game

This seasons big brother stargame double up has realized it’s purpose. Biggie’s motive was to portray the true picture behind African relationships,  friend to friend relationships, girl friend boy friend relationship, sister brother, brother brother, sister sister, mother son daughter, father son daughter relationships were all called in the house.
Though we didn’t have couples in the house with parents, we had all sorts of relationships among the different couples. As the show rolled on, the ties kept breaking down because of the environment the housemates found themselves in.
If you been following the show, you can tell the strongest relationships on the face of our continent,  you could also see for  yourself that being friends, lovers, or brothers does not necessarily grantee the principle of living together and working together.
Though the atmosphere in the big brother house is very attractive but with different personalities in the house it becomes hell to some. The intense environment in the house could  not allow some mates think of spending a few days in the house again and asked for voluntary exit.
The nervousness and refusal to appear a loser before other housemates resulted to two disqualifications in upville that also recorded two fights, the latest being between fellow country men.
The housemates have full demonstrated Biggie’s word of African relationship and you could easly know why some relationship work and others don’t

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 16:29. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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