
News: Some soul music is exactly what the Starmates needed

News: Channel O to The Rescue
If music be the food of love (in this case life), play on. The prolific Shakespeare - who so brilliantly coined this - was slap, bang on the money.

After a dramatic 24 hours, some soul music is exactly what the Starmates needed to help them ease into their day. The Housemates were tickled pink when Big Brother launched a specialChannel O broadcast of select music videos from the African continent, as well as from international artist. Last week, Big Brother gave the Upvillers a similar treat, which saw Goldie and Lady May's videos being played.

Lauryn Hill's Ex Factor seemed the perfect soundtrack for Prezzo and Goldie's tumultuousrelationship.
There was an awkward silence as the Grammy award winning songstress complained "As painful as this thing has been, I just can't be with no one else. No matter how I think we grow, you always seem to let me know it ain't working". Sounds like something that would come out of Goldie's mouth doesn't it?

South African disco queen Brenda Fassie quickly changed the mood around in the House, as soon as her hit 'Too Late for Mama' came on. The gang sang along and once more there were smiles all round. When Prezzo's song came on, Goldie couldn't contain herself. She dropped everything she was doing in the kitchen and hugged the wall transfixed.

Big Brother has decided that in light of Maneta and Roki’s disqualification and the emotions that come with it, the Upvillers will take it easy today.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 12:59. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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