
News: "You're So Smart Goldie" - Keitta

It takes guts to confide in someone you've betrayed and Goldie does it best.

For someone who put Keitta up for possible Eviction, it was strange to hear Goldie begging Keitta to take care of her man Prezzo following Roki's disqualification.

Keitta in turn sang Goldie's praises; "You're a very cool person. You only talk sense, I like that about you. You're very smart," Keitta told the blushing Goldie.

As Head of House, Goldie was put on the spot on Monday night when BarbzManeta and Prezzo were nominated. By the powers vested in her, she swapped her man and replaced him with Keitta.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 17:17. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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