
BBA Play Of The Week

I have come for Trish, 25, who together with Sheba, 41, and Stella, 37, is visiting Joanna, 31.
When I walk into the room, the girls are engrossed in the live eviction TV show of Big Brother Africa.
Joanna: This Goldie girl really scares me. Are all women this stupid?
Stella: Don’t insult us naawe. That Nigerian lass is in a class of her own.
Sheba: Okay, bring me up to speed. I have not watched Big Brother this year.
Trish: She is the chick with the dope wardrobe. I just like her bu-clothes bambi.
Joanna: Goldie represents Nigeria. She is a singer back home. Superstar actually. But she is so obsessed with the Kenyan housemate Prezzo, who is obviously playing her.
Stella: It is her constant crying that gets to me.
Joanna: What is she supposed to do if he breaks her heart twice a day on average? The dude even nominated her for eviction and then walked out of the diary room to go cuddle with her!
Stella: Have you heard him tell Big Brother that he has a wife and daughter back home? He has edited the wife part out in the version he tells Goldie.
Joanna: Brings me back to my question; are all women in love this foolish?
Sheba: I vote yes.
Trish: What are you even talking about? I am never like that.
Stella: So we all think. You have to be on the outside looking in first, to realise how stupid you look hanging on to his every lie.
Sheba: [Pointing to the screen] Is this Goldie now? What’s with the blonde hair and blonde eyelashes?
Joanna: Those eyelashes have seen tears. I wonder why they haven’t faded yet!
Trish: The pun is in the word ‘blonde’ I guess… You know, blonde bimbo?
Stella: Don’t get it twisted by the way; she is a brilliant woman and amazing artiste. Until that bastard walks into the room.
Sheba: Sounds like the story of every woman, if you ask me. It is just that hers plays out on TV.
Trish: I refuse to be lumped with that category.
Sheba: Whatever; it is the truth, Trish. Unless you haven’t been in love. So, cut the chick some slack.
On TV, Presenter IK is announcing Goldie’s fate and the Nigerian buries her face in Prezzo’s shirt, weeping. The girls watching on TV groan collectively and Trish almost knocks over the TV set in disgust.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 19:50. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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