
Diary Room: Open Happiness!

Diary Room: Open Happiness!
While Prezzo serenaded Biggie in his Diary session, Goldie rendered a booty hop.

Clearly excitement was in the air for the two love birds as they offered this entertainment without being prompted by anyone.

Asked how his weekend was, the evidently elated Prezzo said he was over the moon after surviving his first nomination and to add the icing on the cake, his girl Goldie was saved too.

Goldie on the other hand just jumped off the big maroon couch and started booty hopping when Big Brother asked how she feels.

Surviving Evictions really put a smile on Goldie's face considering how gloomy she has been for a good part of last week, up to a few hours before Evictions.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 20:48. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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