
News: Jannette’s Confession

News: Jannette’s Confession
Liar, liar pants on fire that was the first expression that came to mind after hearingJannette’s confession in the diary room a little earlier this afternoon.

After all her protestations about not having any feelings for Malonza and her constant denials of having an having issue with him being with Juniatoday the young Upviller came clean to Evil Big Brother that the StarGame sweetheart’s relationship was in fact a thorn in side.

“That distraction that I was having with my issues with Malonza and the fact that he is gone now I feel like I don’t have to have that on my plate. It’s out of my way now and I call see clearly what I want,” confessed the Ugandan.

She told Evil Biggie that she feels like she has finally has her focus back now adding, “Definitely the game is on.” Hmmm…. Jannette if you really never cared about Malonza being with Junia as you have claimed along, then why did it bother you enough to distract you from playing the game? Girl please we see right through you.

By Lihle

I can see things clearer now

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Posted by Big brother Afrika on 22:27. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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