
Save and Replace : It's Kyle's Head!

Save and Replace : It's Kyle's Head!
Head of House Keagan dodged the Eviction bullet once more and put Kyle up for possible Eviction instead.

The South African has grown quite accustomedto the 'Save and Replace' Diary Session. Just last week, Keagan sat in that same chair, saved himself and put Malonza up in his place. Sadly,Malonza did not survive the Eviction chop and was sent packing alongside his kissing buddy, Junia.

This week, Keagan dragged Kyle to the gallows, as the race towards the Big brother StarGame Finale heats up.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for the Housemates to Nominate each other and we have even seen lovers Nominating each other. Hey, it's a game after all!

It is interesting to note that all the Housemates that were selected for possible Eviction last week, are facing the Eviction chop this week.

These are; GoldieKyleLady May and Prezzo.

Save and Replace

- By NgettyD

Kyle, Lady May, Goldie and Prezzo are up for Eviction this week. CLICK HERE to vote and keep your favourite Housemate in StarGam

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 23:16. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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