
Updates: Scary Diary Room Sessions Live(Part One)

Goldie Diary session
She’s scared of the scaring Biggie.
Her secret weapon is love since no one can conquer the power of love. Its her personal plan to conquer.
Wazobia Girl is her character name.
She promises to channel Love, unity and peace into her superhero abilities.
She ends her session promising more to be channeled into her superhero abilities so that she could defeat the villain[reigning Biggie.
Alex Diary Session
He is called “Brainiac” and has been looking for his glasses. This explains why he came into the diary room panting.
He’s villain and evil. He’s working for the evil Biggie. He is also seeking to wipe out the humans.
He has no secret weapon but has abilities to read pple’s minds and also calculate probabilities of positive outcomes.
He also reveals that the house is like downville since downvillers have taken over. He says that downvillers want to eliminate all the Upvillers out of the house bcoz they are anti-social.
He blames the remaining three Upvillers for referring to the downvillers as immature and therefore can’t socialize with them.
When asked who could be the greatest instigator, he pointed out Keagan despite refuting claims that he’s an instigator. He referred to Keagan as the housemate who pushes pple’s buttons a lot.
Kyle Diary Session
Allegiance: He’s a true villain and he’s on the evil Biggie’s side.
He hasn’t come up with his name yet.
He reveals his secret weapon which happens to be a virus. He will use the virus against the superheroes.
He also talks of the fact that the house hasn’t had a fight except the fight he had with Keagan the other day. He also talks of Keitta and Lady May having a chat.
There’s harmony in the house right now, he adds.
He also reveals that Lady May can’t be bullied by the likes of Keitta bcoz she outsmarts them.
He also doesn’t seem to see any more tensions in the house apart from the ones birthed by nominations which resulted in Lady May sleeping outside.
As he signs out. he promises evil Biggie that none of his antics is gonna scare him yet their wager must be won any way.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 17:09. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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