
Video: Fighting Over Seydou

News: Fighting Over Seydou

Talia was given a tough time by Keitta, over her relationship with Seydou.

The Housemates decided to spend most of their evening in the Jacuzzi. Unfortunately, after a couple of drinks, the gang discussed the relationships that have sprung up since StarGame began. All eyes were on Talia as she expressed her love for Seydou. "I am not saying I know it all but me and him connected without a doubt. It does not matter that it happened in the House," Talia said.

Keitta was having none of that and gave her a tough time about her relationship with Seydou. The two argued back and forth for close to an hour until Talia was eventually driven to tears.Keagan then jumped in to calm the situation down. "Who are we to think they should not be together. She sees something in him and we cannot try to change her mind. Don't judge them. They could be together forever," Keagan said.

Keitta then rushed to Talia's side and apologised for offending her. The two then whispered into each others ears and seemed to be hashing out their differences.

After about ten minutes, the two were all smiles and peace was restored again.


Posted by Big brother Afrika on 11:06. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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