
Video: Is Keagan Okay?

News: Is Keagan Okay?
Earlier this morning Keagan took a chapter out ofLady May’s book by shunning the other Housemates and choosing to sleep outside.

While we have become accustomed to seeing this kind of peculiar behaviour from the eccentric Namibian it was quite surprising seeing it from the South African. While everyone else slept soundly the Head of House paced up and down and wandered around the House aimlessly by himself. He then headed upstairs to fetch his blankets and then headed outside to lay down on the couch.

The drowsy StarGame lad blankly stared at the nothingness before him and from the melancholic expression on his face it was clear he had a lot on his mind but for now it is unclear what was burdening his conscious.

Could it be that the South African misses his StarGame partner Lee or was he still reeling from the blow ofrejection he received from Talia earlier on.

By Lihle

A lonely looking man

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Posted by Big brother Afrika on 12:46. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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