
Video: Kyle & Prezzo to Work Together?

News: Kyle & Prezzo to Work Together?
Wait a minute, is Kyle not the same guy that was dissing Prezzo just now?

Well, after his chat with Alex, Kyle had a lengthy chat with Prezzo about the music industry and his plans and if what he was saying is anything to go by, then Kyle enjoyed the chat.

However, in the Big Brother House one can never know if Housemates are really getting along or just strategizing. As if the chat itself was not enough to shock everyone, Kyle went on to shower the Kenyan singer with accolades on his music and even advised him to remix one of his singles.

An evidently excited Prezzo couldn't contain himself and offered to work on something with Kyle after the StarGame. There was a lot of joking around and encouraging each other amongst the East African Housemates and it all looked so believable.

Is This Real?

What is it exactly? Are Prezzo and Kyle really getting along?

- By Lindiwe Nkonyane

CLICK HERE and vote to keep Goldie, Kyle, Lady May or Prezzo in the game

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