
Video:Alex The Booze Thief?

Today the Big Brother House seemed like something out of a Sherlock Holmes mystery book as all of the Housemates tried to solve the case of Talia’s missing bottle of vodka.

To these Housemates alcohol is like their daily bread and when a bottle goes missing there is stone that they will not turn to find it. Earlier in the day Talia played secret agent and cross examined Keagan, Kyle, Alex and Jannette but it was to no avail. But the relentless StarGame beauty refused to give up, after failing to get anywhere with the other Housemates she then concluded that her alcohol must have been stolen by Steve, Wati's intoxicated alter ego.

Little did everyone know that all along it was Alex who had stashed the bottle away and the Kenyan continued to allow Talia to suspect everyone else while he pretended as if he had nothing to do with the thievery.

But unfortunately for him Talia was like a dog with a bone and simply refused to let go of the issue and all day long she threw around accusations at almost everyone in the House until eventually this evening Alex finally caved in and confessed that he had hidden the notorious bottle of vodka under the stairs. It turns out that a drunk Talia had placed the bottle in the vase and Alex found it and hid away.

The Kenyan tried to defend himself by saying, “I was just trying to prove a point. Oh really Alex? Interesting… considering that the Upville gent swore on his mother’s life with a straight face that he has no idea where the bottle is.

Video: Mystery solved

By Lihle / DStv Online

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