
Video:Daybreak: Bathing In The Jacuzzi?

Daybreak: Bathing In The Jacuzzi?
Keitta and Wati decided to skip morning exercise and instead took a dip in the Jacuzzi.

As soon as Keitta and Wati woke up this morning, the two made a beeline for the Jacuzzi. Taking their morning bath, perhaps? Head of House Keagan had a hard time trying to get the two to join their fellow Housemates for morning exercise.

The two bopped in the warm swirl of the water and seemed to not have a care in the world. Keagan eventually threw in the towel and decided to let them be.

Keitta and Wati decided to jump out of the Jacuzzi after hunger got the best of them. The two headed straight for the kitchen and fixed themselves a big breakfast.


- By NgettyD

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