
Diary Room Session: Part One (Live)

Esperanca and Seydou Dairy Room Session How are u doing today? Esperanca starts off that they are doing well today. They have just woken up and doing the task. Seydou says his weekend was ok. About evictions, Esperanca says she felt very sad esp for Teclar whom she was begining to relate with. She adds that they expected 2 housemates to be evicted but it came as a shock when 4 were told to leave the house. About New friendships developing, Esperanca says that yes as she’s seeing interactions in the house. Seydou says his friendships are still the same. About the underlying tensions in the house, Seydou says that he feels Zainab from Siera Leone needs to go home because she’s a problem with everybody. To esperanca however, she says that she gets along with her well because that’s her behaviour. Esperance asks for her shoes she can’t see as their session ends. Tamara and Talia Dairy Room Session Tamara and talia all agree saying that their weekend was good and funfilled. About what happened at the party, Tamara says she doesn’t know and all they did was partying. About friendships in the BB house, Talia says that pple are begining to get along with each other. She also reveals how close she was to maneta and feels sorry she left the house, so does Tamara. About underlying tensions in the house, the two mention the incidents that happened yesterday when Zainab and Seydou had a fight. They say that Zainab even threw a glass at Keagan as well. Talia also mentions the fact that housemates are so irresponsible in the house. She gives a scenario where one of the housemates after taking a coke they just leave the bottle on the table. She says that this does not show responsibility and respect in the house. Whether they are ready for week 2 in the house, the 2 say they are very ready. Talia adds that if they are not yet prepared then they are going to prepare themselves. Eve and Edith dairy Room Session Weekend; Edith says her weekend was good as they got crazy. Eve says it was ok. Eve talks of the fact that Seydou slapped Zainab on friday night under the influence of alcohol. Eve adds that its the nature of alcohol that cause people to get irritated and misbehave. Edith also adds that she was in the same very wilderness of alcoholism when someone wanted to yell at Eve, then she had to go against him. Eve also talks of the fact that she got hurt yesterday when Edith under the influence of alcohol insulted her. She asserts the fact that Edith was drinking with the guys before the Live eviction show when she constantly threw insults at her. Eve says that this morning Edith woke up and asked her whether she spoke anything that offended her. She adds that she wouldn’t confront her sister yesterday because she was intoxicated and never knew what was going on. But this morning when Edith got sober, she apologized, Eve narrates. Edith tells Biggie that she doesn’t want to see her sister cry and says sorry.[Edith breaks down and cries meanwhile]. Eve adds that this won’t affect their game in the house. Eve also mentions Seydou bad behavior in the house and wonders whether he’s a 13 year old. She asserts the fact that she’s dissatisfied with his behaviour and asks her self a Qtn “which kind of guy looks at himself in mirror most of the time?”. Edith asks Biggie to come up with punishments for guys who behave like Seydou. Keita and Mildred Dairy Room Session Weekend: Mildred says it was ok and fine. She adds that someone had kissed her boy friend and did nothing about it. She adds that Edith kissed Keita and he had nothing to do about it. She adds that Edith was intoxicated and told her how she had kissed Keita. Keita says that he was intoxicated subconscious when he felt someone kiss him and when he woke up, he saw Edith walking away. He adds that Mildred expected him to do something about this in the morning when sober but hasn’t done anything.He adds that at the moment they are not talking due to the misunderstanding.Mildred says they have not talked since yesterday. Evictions: Keita says that he misses Julio as he was one of his buddies. Mildred talks of Julio also being a cool guy and misses him. About respect, Rules and responsibility; Keita says that they are familiar with the rules having read the rule book but certain people are not responsible in the house. Mildred says that they are picking up with responsibility as people were yesterday voluntarily doing the dishes. She adds that she’s acquainted with the rules of the house and found out that she’s broken almost 101% of them. She asks Biggie whether exercises are compulsory as it wasn’t in the rule book. Biggie responds with an encouragement to all housemates to exercise. Yadel and Luke dairy Room Session Weekend: Yadel says she had fun esp the party. Luke also says that he had so much fun with the party. Respect among housemates: Yadel says that it exists among some Housemates while some others don’t have any respect. Luke says that there are pple who don’t respect others but hopes that by the end of this week this will be rectified. Underlying tensions: Luke talks of the fact that Seydou and Zainab can’t meet eye to eye. Yadel attributes this to egos where everyone wants to be heard. She asserts the fact that they are not a family as Biggie puts it but rather friends. About friendships; Luke talks of the fact that he’s getting closer to Jesica lately and the relationship is romantic, he adds that he’s single and Jesica having issues in her relationship, so the relationship could reach somewhere. Yadel mentions that she got closer to Alex but did insult her and therefore chose to back off. She mentions the fact that she was insulted by Alex when she was in his bed one night. She asserts the fact the she got a boy friend and there4 not ready for a romantic relationship a thing Alex doesn’t want. She says that Alex wants romance which she’s not ready for and just wants friendship as she doesn’t want to be friends with only girls. Evictions: Yadel talks of missing Julio. Luke talks of missing Julio and Hilda as well. Luke ends it with complaints about his jackets and slippers and also checked pants that are missing including medication for his soar throat. Luke apologizes as well for the rules he had broken in the house. Ola and Chris Dairy Room session Weekend: Ola says his weekend was good and romantic. Respect: Chris says that there’s no respect in the house. He says that he expects respect back if he gives one out. Rule book: He talks of the fact that its not easy to obey the rules like for example speaking English. He says he’s used to speaking “peagin” with Chris. Evictions: Chris says its part of the game and it was bound to happen. Ola says also that the evicted housemates have changed the dynamics in the house. Chris adds that he expects more tasks this week compared to the first week. About friendships in the house, Chris says that friendships are going stronger as housemates get to know each other more. Ola doesn’t know whether he has a wife in the BB house despite having made this revelation earlier in previous chat sessions. He adds that she’s been cheating on him…They end the session with a complaint of a bag they can’t seem to find. Connect with Big Brother fans from across Africa and the world on our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for the latest updates!

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 22:53. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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