
News: Can Keitta Have Your Attention Please?

During Keagan and Lee’s diary room session, Keagan explained why he randomly went bananas on Saturday night. While trying to explain something to the Housemates,Keitta had trouble getting their attention. He had to ask everyone to be quiet a number of times, and some of the Housemates weren’t even interested. This, according to Keagan, is why he lost his cool. “Keitta couldn’t get his point across. Nobody was listening to him, so I got angry. They kept interrupting him. He was trying to explain to everybody that they need to calm down and listen. People are not serious. The only way we’re going to work is through communication.” He carried on to say that people have been here for a week but still don’t understand that.
“When it’s time to be serious, it’s time to be serious,” he said.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 23:27. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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