Task: Fire it Up
The Housemates have been Tasked with keeping the fire outside Upville and Downville burning until Saturday morning.
Big Brother supplied the Housemates with plenty of firewood and warned that their Wager will be endagered should they fail to abide by the rules.
Big Brother also insisted that two people guard the fire at all times. This fire is to be monitored in pairs and the Housemates have to work out a roster. Downville had a heated debate pertaining to this roster which lasted well over an hour. Not even collecting their luggage from the storeroom stopped them from arguing. This was a far cry from the cool and calm Upville.
With 28 Housemates in Downville, it looks like it will be a mission to get anything done.
How does Africa think peace can be maintained in the Downville Diner?