
Blog: DKB And Zainab Up For Eviction.

It is going to be quite very hard for Africa to decide who will be Evicted on Sunday between the two entertainers in Upville.
From the Nominations held today, results came out with the Ghana comedian DKB leading his fellow Housemates on the chopping Block being followed by the Seirra Leon’s model Zainab in the second place.
DKB won the race with five votes and his run-up Zainab had three votes.For Roki and Goldie drew up with two votes while the rest of the Housemates (Maneta, Basrbz,Prezzo and Lady May) got one vote each.Keitta by Big Big Brother rules was exempted from nominations as they had to leave him get used to the House for a full week. This implies that on Sunday we’re going to have the second Upviller quitting the game following Mampi who left last Sunday but one.
At this point the game looks to be more tight than ever because the two people whom we thought were the entertaining ones, one is about to leave the game. It wiil only be the votes to decide who will go and stay.
Zainab’s character of being cool seems to be another source of danger to her as all the Housemates who nominated her didn’t have any negative reason as to why they would put her for the possible eviction but based on her character of free assication and it seems to be a threat to most of the Housmates.For Roki nominated her because she distorted the Goldezzo relationship.
It also looks like Maneta’s behaviors have changed because it is unbelievable that she got only one vote yet she still lives with the same people who nominated her last time.
Back to Zainab and DKB, these two had some little misunderstandings sometime back but they settled them out and we thought they had finally made up again but to my surprise they both nominated each other. Fortunately or unfortunately they are both in the same basket as we are just waiting for time to decide who will be successful with his /her contributions.
Its very obvious that though Zainab and DKB are in the same situation ,one’s exit will excite the other because they both wanted and contributed towards it.
The question is , who will survive IK’s men who pull the evicted Housemates off the stage like they did yesterday to Edith and Eve? Will it be DKB or Zainab?
*By: Deogratius09*

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 18:42. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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