
Blog: Housemates In Tears

The smiles that have been dominating Biggies diary room session were over turned by tears as almost all housemates cried. Talia was the first to break down after an argument with sister Tamara over their relationship in the big brother house. Talia accused Tamara for pushing her behind her(Tamara)  shadow.
The two exchange shenanigans till biggie intervened by calling Talia into the diary room where she cried while narrating her side of the story. Tamara was later was later called in to give her side of the story and she also wailed.
The wailing was carried to upville, Barbrz cried as she narrated a story of her sick mother whom she said was diagnosed of TB and moved from hospital to hospital to seek  treatment and in the process she spent a lot of money on treatment.
Prezzo later broke down when Biggie asked him about his child’s name, he says she’s called Zari but becomes emotional….and sheds tears as he told Biggie that Roki‘s presence in the house to some extent had made him forget a bout Zari now that Roki is gone, Its the memories of  Zari that flock his mind.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 23:31. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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