
Blog: How Barbz Camp Lost To Prezzo

A few days  after joining  the big brother house, upvillers decided to play the game by making bonds. There were three groups that emerged in upville. The first camp was led by prezzo while RokiGoldie were the layal members of his camp.
The second Camp was under the control of the evicted South African model Bardz whereas  ZainabManeta were the loyalist of this of this group.
The third faction were the Nuetralists the members of this group did not join any of the two group and wanted to play the game as individuals, the neutralist group comprised of MampiDKB and Lady May.
Barbz and Prezzo’s camps both agreed to dislodge the the neutralist to have their way to biggies prize and they  also happened to be were few in number .
Their attack on the  neutralist was successful as it led to the eviction of Mampi and the Later the disqualification of the Ghanaian comedian DKB.
However the war against the neutralist effected Barbz camp as she lost one of her loyalists Zainab who was disqualified with DKB.
After succeeding in dislodging neutralist, the the fight was left between Barbz and Prezzo’s camp, but Barbz camp was already less by one member, so the entry Of Keitta was a blessing to Barbz as she tried to woe him to join her camp, Prezzo’s camp was not naive, they joined the struggle to bring Keitta to their camp. Keitta was left in a dilema and the Ghanaian not wanting to hurt any side decided to play both sides.
The groups were suspecious of one nother on who had Keitta’s back and both deployed their agents to continue to woe Keitta as well as Monitor his moves. Prezzo used his right hand man Roki while Barbz used Charming Menata for the same course.
Roki’s propaganda did the magic of winning Keitta at the time he was needed most. Keitta helped Prezzo’s camp when he nominated Barbz and Maneta for possible eviction. Barbz lost it again because her agent Maneta was fell in love with the Ghanaian model a factor that Prezzo’s camp used to convince Keitta against the two ladies that they were putting his relationship with girl friend Mildred at stake and Keitta was convinced.
Having been nominated Maneta went wild and could not even list to her master Barbz. She never thought Africa could save her from eviction, Maneta declared an open war. She  could not wait to lounged her battle on Roki and the two got disqualified. Prezzo’s camp was also weakened when they lost Roki to disqualification.
Barbz remained alone in her camp after the disqualification of Maneta and with the nomination upheld by Biggie, Barbz camp was finally wiped out after she got evicted last night.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 15:51. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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