
Blog: Prezzo praises Goldie

Prezzo has Praised girl friend Goldie before Barbz and Junia, he  gave positive praises about Goldie that  Junia and Barbz were left in admiration of such praise. Prezzo talked of Goldie’s inner beauty that extends through her external appearance.
The three were in the lounge talking of the eventful day that led to Maneta‘s eviction. Comparing his  Nigerian queen to the evicted  Maneta, Prezzo said, that Goldie is a very strong woman that if the two were put in the same contest, his Goldie would stand out.
Though other housemates may feel Goldie is naive of Prezzo’s flirting love,  Goldie could be right to think otherwise because of such complements from Prezzo. This  could be one of the reasons why the Nigerian singer can not quit her relationship with Prezzo.
Though Prezzo seems to be the wrong  man, the wrong man is fan to Goldie and the two are just inseparable. Prezzo’s jokes, apologetic nature and kindness can not be over looked as they matter in a woman’s heart.
Prezzo has in several occasions praised Goldie calling her the Golden one, first lady and talks lots of sweet things about her while with friends, besides being there for her and his encouragement when Goldie is in a hopeless situation, what would you expect a woman caught in Goldie’s situation?

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