
Daybreak: Rise & Shine Miss Barbie!

Daybreak: Rise & Shine Miss Barbie!
The fateful day has arrived and Barbz was one of the first to rise in Upville.

Being the only one nominated, after her friend Maneta was disqualified on Tuesday, Barbz was ready to do her hair long before the hairstylists had set up. Keitta on the other hand just relaxed in slumberland oblivious that he too is up for possible Eviction after then HoH Goldie nominated him.

Instead it was Prezzo who got the sprucing up even though he had bragged to the other Housemates about being safe from the dagger.

Meanwhile, Jannette and Tamara had a heart to heart about her (Jannette's) feelings in the House following her fight with Wati.

Jannette said she had finally reached a point in life where she understood the importance of self-love and it had taken her long to get to this point.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 12:21. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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