
Feature: Does Jannette Have A Drinking Problem?

Feature: Does Jannette Have A Drinking Problem?
Whenever there is alcohol in the Big Brother House, you can bet your bottom dollar that a tipsyJannette is stumbling somewhere nearby.

This evening Talia had to come to the aid of the pint sized lass when she fell to the ground and need to be helped back up on her feet. After that she limped to the bathroom before returning once again to continue boozing further.

Since the very beginning of this season of Big Brother Africa, the StarGame viewers have been privy to the Ugandan’s drunken fuelled anticsweek after week. Her boozed fuelled misadventures often involve her throwing herself at the men in the House, she has tried her luckwith both of the Kenyan brothers Alex andMalonza before trying to sink her claws into Wati. Her resistance to just quit drinking when she has had enough has landed her in hot water with some of her fellow StarGamers including getting into a fight with Jesica.

In the past the Ugandan has confessed that she has issues with insecurity and this might be a possible explanation as to why she drinks so much. When Jannette is sober, she is usually shy and soft-spoken whereas when she is drunk she is breaks out of her shell and is unruly and unashamedly provocative.

On the other hand she is still young and many young people do like to party hard and have fun. But when someone repeatedly acts out whenever they are drunk that is when it starts being a problem.

So this begs the question how much is too much? Is Jannette just a fun party girl or is her drinking actually part of her deep seated issues?

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 08:59. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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