
How Africa Voted

he Big Brother Voting results are calculated according to the total votes within each country, and only one housemate wins the vote for that country based on majority. Those country votes are then counted to a total of 15 votes, giving the final voting result.
Below is how Housemates were voted for from different countries.

Here’s who which country voted for:
Ghana: Keitta
Kenya: Keitta
Liberia: Keitta
Malawi: Keitta
Namibia: Keitta
Nigeria: Keitta
South Africa: Barbz
Sierra Leone: Barbz
Tanzania: Keitta
Uganda: Keitta
Zambia: Keitta
Zimbabwe: Keitta
Rest of Africa: Barbz
Total: Keitta = 11; Barbz = 4. (Total: 15 Votes)

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 13:03. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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