
Malonza and Jeannette kissing.

Daybreak: The Morning After!
After a raunchy night of kissing, frolicking and getting wet in Downville, getting up was a nightmare in the morning.

Just after midnight the Downvillers played their drinking game “never never” which saw Malonza and Jeannette kissing. On that high, they headed to the Jacuzzi and it was Jannette’s chance to show them what she’s made of.

It seems like little princess was on a kissing spree but that’s just how Jannette is when she’s under the influence. Meanwhile, Goldie and Juniacomplained about how difficult it was to wake up this morning which was perhaps as a result of their late night.

Junia told Prezzo she had heard Malonza and the other Downvillers calling her name last night when everyone else was asleep. Little did she know that Malonza had been chatting in the shower with Talia and kissing Janne

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