
News: Therapist Makes a House Call

News: Therapist Makes a House Call
The Starmates engaged in a group therapy session with a professional, this afternoon.

After a traumatic four weeks marred by drama and violence, Big Brother organised a Therapist for the traumatised Upvillers today.

The Housemates spoke at length with the Therapist, during a private session conducted in the Upville lounge. In the last fourteen days, four Housemates have been disqualified from StarGame after their verbal arguments turned physical.

DKB and Zainab were sent packing after fighting in the kitchen and just yesterday, countrymen Roki and Maneta were booted out of StarGame after a ferocious fight. Violence is frowned upon and is against Houses rules. The stress of being locked in a small space with different personalities has without a doubt taken an emotional toll on the Housemates.

Sharing your thoughts and deepest emotions with a professional is always a good idea and is no doubt a wonderful move on Big Brother's part.

- By NgettyD

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