
Task: Who's In The House?

Task: Who's In The House?
Have you ever had an evil villain join just pop up for dinner announced? No? Well neither had the StarGamers up until this today.

The Housemates of Upville were relaxing and just go about their business while getting ready to eat dinner when all of sudden they got some peculiar guests. Darth Vader and a silent Panda crept in and sat with them at the dinner table.

While Junia and Prezzo had the looks of steel and did not even flinch even once at the intruders,Keagan struggled to keep a straight face and he could not help but smirk.

Poor Lady May struggled the most with this challenge. The lively Namibian is almost always in the mood for giggles and today was no exception. As the Darth Vader costumed fellow followed her around the kitchen the Namibian then ran up to the girls’ bedroom and hid herself under the duvet as she let out a few giggles.

After that the House invaders made their way into Downville where an unsuspecting Tamara and Talia were washing their laundry the ladies had the surprise of their lives but tried their best to contain themselves. But it just became too hard for Talia to fight the urge to laugh when the silent Panda and Darth Vader stormed the bathroom and made a getaway with the Housemates' toothpaste and toiletries.

The unexpected House guests are part of this week’s Task which will see an array of unusual visitors coming into the Big Brother Houses and it is the duty of the Housemates to go about their lives as usual and ignore the guests failure to do so will mean that they fail their Task.

If today’s reactions are anything to go by then clearly there will be a lot of Housemates that will have a tough time with this Task, hopefully they will be able to not crack up until Thursday as both Houses have a 100% Wager at stake this week.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 22:19. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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