
Updates: Downville Diary Room Session Live (Part 2)

Nafe and Wati Diary Session; Wati is alright today. He says that he rested and drunk water to get over yesterday’s feeling.
Speaking of alcohol moderation; Wati says that the word moderation is used by the person who doesn’t know how to handle what he is using.
Speaking of the task: Wati is very certain that they will win the wager.
Feelings about the hair; Wati says that he’s not a fun of the wig as he’s already having hair which is quite similar to the wig he’s wearing.
Speaking of the cleanness of the house; Wati says that its reasonably clean as its not as dirty as it was previously even though it also can get cleaner.
As head of house, he says that as of yet he’s done nothing as a leader but promises to try harder to lead by example. Nafe says that the head of house status is quite important since it has to do with one delegating tasks to others.
As they prepare to get out, Wati reveals that there’s nothing new he’s learnt about his partner in the house that he never knew.
Kyle and Jannette Diary Session
Mood in the house: Kyle describes it with two words “too relaxed” before adding that its calm.
Jannette introduces her friend “jojo” to Biggie. She talks of the reason she requested for “jojo”[cat]. She says that even its a 2% comfort it provides, it gives her comfort which she may not get from other people in the house. Kyle on the other hand doesn’t feel cats. Kyle states that he will try to be as far away from Jannette and jojo as he can so that he doesn’t incoveninece them instead of getting rid of Jojo.
Speaking of the task; Jannette says that she was chosen by Malonza as his partner. She adds that this week they are a bit laidback because the task concerns beauty and everyone has something to offer regarding beauty.
Jannette says that its a bit funny having Malonza as a partner. Kyle on the other hand states that he won’t be surprised if Malonza came back to his first love. He says that Jannette and Malonza were first love birds before he made a turn for Junia. Jannette on the other hand insists that her and Malonza are just friends. She adds that she has feeling for Malonza and everyone in the house thinks that Malonza has feelings for her too but its not true as they are just friends.
Speaking of the head of house; Jannette says that he was drunk yesterday and they were not even understanding what he was reading yesterday as he read the task brief. Kyle on the other hand argues that Wati should be responsible and act by example by regulating the amount of liquor he takes. says that personal responsibility to her is taking care your things besides yourself. She however hasn’t learnt about regulating alcohol intake and she’s yet to learn a few more lessons.
Before they exit, Kyle reveals that Jannette aint portraying the person she has never known besides her alcohol intake lifestyle. He narrates the fact that he got mad at her when she got drunk sometime and advised her to stay away from alcohol. He however adds that he won’t get to levels of advising her what she has to do because she’s a grown up.
Jannette reveals what she learnt about Kyle that she had never known. She reveals that at eight, Kyle sat on the cow’s teats and she discovered this from the house as Kyle told them a tale. Kyle defends himself as he reveals that at there place they are cattle keepers and he did it as he was milking the cow. He adds that his fellow housemates got him wrong because they are perverted.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 15:35. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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