
Video: Drop It Like It’s Hot

News: Drop It Like It’s Hot
Smoke filled the air and fluorescent lights ignited the atmosphere as the Downville Diner was converted into a disco dance floor.

Malawian DJ Malick brought the House down with his hypnotic beats. The Housemates enjoyed every second of the uniform themed party, with banging Hip Hop and Kwaito beats blasting on the speakers the Downvillers went into a wild dancing frenzy.

TamaraTalia and Jannette continued their dirty dancing session from earlier on as they dropped it like it’s hot in their shorter than short skirts. The lasses wound their hips and grinded their derrières against the very eager Downville gents. No one was safe from the girls' dirty ways, they even targeted the DJ's bodyguard.

It is amazing that the Downvillers are still standing, as they have been drinking alcohol spiked punch for most of the night. Talk about die-hards… it does not look like the rowdy Housemates are going to tire any time soon. Hold on to your seats ladies and gents, Downville is taking a ride to the wild side.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 10:28. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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