
Diary Room: Tears, Anger and Nerves

Diary Room: Tears, Anger and Nerves
The Nominations Diary Session was filled with all kinds of emotion.

Prezzo was still seething with anger following his fight with Goldie. "Goldie has spit in my face and I will not accept this. I asked her to keep my ring and she lost it and to make matters worse, gave me attitude when I asked her about it," Prezzo said.

The Kenyan however, told Big Brother he hopes she survives tonight's Evictions, despite their differences. "I don't know how our chemistry came to be, but I hope people realise that every rose has thorns. Relationships have their ups and their downs. I have been real and have stayed true to myself. I will take my Eviction like a man, if it happens," he said.

Goldie, on the other hand, revealed how she would have loved to spend last three hours of her time before Evictions, with Prezzo. "I would have wanted it to be different. I don't think I will make it. I pray I do, but for some reason, I know I won't make it," Goldie between tears. Lady May told Big Brother how she has developed a connection with the House and would be sad if she left this week. "When I was Nominated the last time, I surrendered myself peacefully to the possibility of leaving. This time, I do not feel that way," she said.

Keagan did not hold back in his Diary Session and told Biggie is excited about the Evictions. "If it's two people, I would like, from the bottom of my heart, for Prezzo and Lady May to leave. If the bastards stay, it will make the week unpleasant. They don't deserve to be here. We need more fresh air," he said, as a matter of fact.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 19:53. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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