
News: Kissing In The Jacuzzi Again.

It was so simple for Biggie to move the Housemates out of Downville but it will be very hard for him to move Downville out of them!
This is  so just because all people thought that as the Downvillers were moved to Upville, their ways of life were going to change  according to the environment they joined. But this was just a dream because after the  family re united,the life continued.
The Housemates transfered all their Downville games up to the Upville. The family gathered in the Jacuzzi to share their old moments.
It was in here that the two Friends with Benefits(Junisa and Malonza) that they continued to show the affection they have towards each other as they strongly kissed while the fellows were watching.
Indeed if anyone were to choose a friendship, this is the best of all any person has ever imagined. Malonza asserted that he is ready to welcome any benefit that comes with their relatioship.
As our Downvillers were enjoying the Jacuzzi, the original Upvillers were no where to be found and this is a proof that they admitted the Downvillers’ domination.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 12:28. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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