News: Prezzo Having A Touch on Talia’s Thighs
The Housemates were dancing to Biggie’s songs in the garden and when it was over, they too had to stop.
Immediately Biggie stopped the music, Housemates left the garden from where they were dancing heading to the House.
As the Boys (Keagan, Kyle and Wati) left for the House,Prezzo and Talia stayed in the garden for a while having a simple chat. Later the two too had to enter in the House.
After they moving a step Talia told Prezzo that she couldn’t walk by herself therefore requested for a lift.As a helping man, Prezzo accepted to put Talia on his back taking her to the House.
Putting on her “short Short” Talia withouth hesitating climbed onto the rapper’s back and enjoyed the ride up to the lounge.
Surprisingly, when the two reached the agreed destination which was the lounge, instead of letting her down, Prezzo kept Talia on his back as he was moving his hands around the soft thighs of the Zambin lass…….Hmm Prezzo what was this?
Anyway,….that is life in the Big Brother House,……Housemates only do what pleases the