
Video: How Did Goldie Get The Boot?

Daybreak: How Did Goldie Get The Boot?
In the wee hours of the morning Prezzo and Keitta tried to look back on the past to try and figure out how Goldie ended up getting the axe.

The two men rehashed through the proceedings of last night’s Live Eviction Show where it was revealed that Lady MayKyle and Prezzo would live to see another day inside of the Big Brother House but unfortunately for the Nigerian her StarGame journey came to an emotional end.

Keitta tried to ponder if her Eviction could have been the result of her home country not voting enough for her but Prezzo quickly reminded him that in this game it is not just about the number of individual votes that you get but what is more important is the number of country votes that you receive.
According to the Kenyan the songstress’ intuition had let her know that she would be the one sent to Homeville. “You know what’s crazy though it’s that she felt, she already knew it,” he told his Ghanaian friend.

As the Upville lads conversed the rapper could not hide his great sense of relief that Africa saved him yet again. But unfortunately for him and the rest of Housemates there is not much time for any of them to get too comfortable because later on today the Housemates will once again be Nominating the StarGamers that they want to send home.

Goodbye Goldie

By Lihle

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 13:10. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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