
Video: Too Many Cooks Without Goldie

News: Too Many Cooks Without Goldie
With Goldie out of the game, there were more dinner cooks in the kitchen.

It was hard to tell who was cooking exactly as while Alex was stirring, Talia was peeling andJannette was chopping. The House resembled a real home with all the Housemates taking part in coming up with their dinner.

Well, the Masai warrior must still be disillusioned or in denial because he was just sitting and watching as the rest of the Housemates slaved away.

Prezzo looked very lonely sitting alone outside while the ex Downvillers took over the House. Sorry Prezzo, there's no one to serve you now!

Operation Take Over Upville!

Will Prezzo adjust to life in teh House without Goldie slaving around for him?

- By Lindiwe Nkonyane

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 21:32. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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