
Diary Room: Ready For Battle!

Diary Room: Ready For Battle!
Some Housemates have decided to join Evil Big Brother's side, as the battle to control the House heats up.

Kyle, Alex and Talia are gearing up to fight on Evil Big Bro's side during the epic battle that is set to take place in the House tomorrow evening. Evil Big Brother has kidnapped the original Biggie and is holding him captive at an undisclosed location. Alex, aka Brainiac, laid his plans for world domination down during his Diary Session. "I will make sure that the Superheroes are annihilated," he said.

However, he pin pointed one particular Superhero that could be a threat and that could possibly save Biggie; Keagan. Talia, aka Viking, also pledged allegiance to Evil Big Bro. According to Viking, she will strike when least expected and will disarm the Superheroes with her charm. Kyle does not have a name yet, but he has made it known that the virus he will create should destroy all the good that exists in the world.

Evil Big Brother seemed pleased with his minions and encouraged them to give their best tomorrow. Keitta, who is one of the Superheroes, was sent scrambling from the Diary Room after being worn down in a game of wits. "I will use those weapons as toothpicks once I have annihilated you all," the Head Villain said.

Wati, on the other hand, will play ‘snitch’ and has already befriended the Superheroes. Little do they know that he is actually evil.

- By NgettyD

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