
Gossip:Will Prezzo Have Another Hair Cut

AS usual nominated housemate are given a hair do for the live eviction show. As this weeks hair do is four days away, the four nominees that had their hair done last week will still benefit from this week’s hair do since they were yet again nominated.
Though it will be an advantage to the two ladies, Lady May and Goldie  who  have hair to be washed, treated among others, i wonder whether Kyle and Prezzo who have bold heads will go for hair cuts. Won’t the two stay in bed on Sunday as the hair dressers do their thing.
Nonetheless  Kyle and Keagan seem not to run out of ideas when it comes to hair cuts. Last Sunday, Kyle decided to name his hair cut by his country Uganda unfortunately Kyle will not have his hair cut since he got to the chopping block through Keagan’s swap.
In that case Kengan and Prezzo are the beneficiaries of next Sunday’s hair do. Though the ” president” does not like keeping hair on his head but with such a bold head will the President go for his much adored hair hair cut.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 14:45. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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