
News: Boys Demand Kisses From Talia

At the moment, the house has only four girls and six boys, a clear indication that the demand for the female specie is so much needed in the house.
Former Downville men; KeaganKeitta and Wati have been swarming like bees around Zambian lass Taliawith different intentions. The boys seem to be out of options because Lady May has always emphasized that she wants nothing to do with the boys. Goldie who would have been the other option is being jealously guarded by the president leaving only Jannette and Talia at the mercy of the former Downville male trio.
In the wee hours of today morning, Talia and Keitta had a heated argument over her relationship with Angola’sSeydou, a clear indication of the frustration that has engulfed the male Starmates of late.
Each boy demanded a kiss from Talia but of course she would not oblige. She only gave Wati P a good night smooch on the cheek but the other intoxicated boys did not take it lightly as they continued demanding for their share from poor Talia. Keagan shouted, cursed and demanded a kiss but Talia did not give in.
After all the demands from the boys, Talia later confided in Jannette about the boys’ behavior which she found irritating especially when intoxicated.
After Biggie lifting Wati’s alcohol ban, the housemate has been drinking like there’s no tomorrow and only time will tell if his behavior will change for the better.
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Posted by Big brother Afrika on 12:55. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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