
Updates: Diary Room Session Live (Part Four)

Lady May Diary Room Session
Biggie Good day Lady May and welcome to your diary session, good day Biggie, she replies.
How she feels; she’s awsome.
Reaction as regards nominees; her name was already ringing at the back of her mind.
She thanks Africa for voting her last week and hopes for the best from them as she sings for her Africa a tankful
song. She also thanks Biggie and the whole crew for the opportunity.
Hilarious behavior in the house; she’s diappointed with a certain group of people in the house which hardly gave
her space last and thus did not sleep well. She says they have nicknamed her ‘piece of shit’.
Biggie asks her the name of the housemate who called nick named her; she says Wati.
Alcohol consumption in the house; she says housemates are adults and therefore should act responsibly and
not harm temselves as well as other people.
Her opinion on whether Biggie should ban or ration alcohol; she suggests that Biggie should control the amount
of alcohol he gives them.
Task; she’s excited about it and hopes to creat a few pieces to look great.
Dreams/nightmares; she had nightmare and does not want to talk about it because it was scary.
Keagan Diary Room Session
Biggie: Keagan Good day and welcome to your diary session.
How he feels today; he’s okay.
How he feels about yesterday; he says that he suspected Biggie to give them a ban because they drunk uncontrollably, but says they were trying to have fun.
How it feels to be a superhero; he says it’s good because one can have the powers to fly and so much more.
What he thinks about Villains; he says there’s a manipulator, genius who can do a lot as well.
Wager; he says there’s no problem about as he’s feels confident.
Powers he would have if he were super Keagan; he talks about manipulating peoples’ minds, making them work for you among others.
About his altercation with Prezzo; he says he will continue putting his point across.
Dreams/nightmares; he had a dream about a friend he had in Capetown but the police was chasing the friend with Helicopters and all.
Whether dreams mean anything to him; he does not think so.
Biggie warns him about rationing and banning alcohol next week is there’s no change in behavior.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 22:22. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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