
News: Prezzo Sheds Tears In The Diary Room.

Finally the President in the Big Brother House  breaks down like any other Human being  and cries while in the Diary room.
It looks like it is going to be a very tough week for Prezzoas he fore saw it in his Sunday Nomination Diary Sessdion. While in his Diary Room session this afternoon , Prezzo showed how  hurt he really is by the isolations he’s facing from the fellow Housemates.
Prezzo told Biggie that the Former Downvillers led By their leader Gen. Keagan with his assistants Keitta andWati(Leutanants) are becoming a very big obstacle and problem  to him.
The Kenyan rapper said while down that the Downville crew is behaving in  weird way as they are now taking over the House in a very messed up manner.
What hurts him the most is that these people are annoyingly provoking ,gossiping and ill talking about him in both his presence and  absence. He is also hurt by whom he called his Friend Keitta for betraying him and behaves like the fellow Downvillers.
Another thing he mentioned was that the Head of House Keagan behaves like he’s the boss of everything everyone in the House and he wants all what he likes  to be followed and done.
To really mean the business that he was hurt and ready to cry, it was when he was asked about this week’s task. Before answering the question, the President first shed tears before he appreciated the task that it was far better than last week’s which he never liked.
However, Biggie was by his side and told him that there is nothing wrong with crying.
We believe that the   source of this must have escalated from yesterday’s provocations from the Downvillers towards him.
From the Diary room, the crying Prezzo went directly upstairs to the Bedroom where he found his first lady Goldieto comfort him.
Will Prezzo manage to live for the rest of the days in  the House under this kind of situation?

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 22:21. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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