
Video: You Stole My Vodka!

News: You Stole My Vodka!
Whatever happened to Talia's vodka remains a mystery but she will not rest until she finds it.

Her first step was cross examining Keagan, Kyle, Alex and Jannette. None of these Housemates could own up to the knowing where the alcohol had disappeared to. Jannette offered to share her bottle of alcohol with Talia just to make her feel better.

However, Talia concluded that her alcohol must have been stolen by Steve, Wati's intoxicated alter ego. At that point, Steve had already passed out and Talia decided that she would rather question Wati when he wakes up. This is besides the fact that Wati has been banned from alcohol following his alcohol-infused unruly escapades.

When most of the Housemates were asleep, Kyle served himself his alcohol with Sprite, which he had neatly stashed in the bedroom.

Look at Me!

The alcohol chronicles are ungovernable in this House; perhaps Biggie needs to step in. What do you think?

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 11:41. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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