
Video: Barbz Cries!

As soon as Big Brother called Prezzo into the Diary Room for a time out, Mampi went to work trying to distance herself from any of the gossip that had been alluded to her. She pointed the finger at DKB, telling Barbz how he had said Barbz bosses the girls around – amongst many other things. In a bid to try and defend himself, DKB pointed the finger at Mampi and Prezzo. “I believed what they were saying about you. My biggest mistake is I never told you. I understand if you don’t trust me anymore”, he said. After listening in disbelief, Barbz started crying. DKB sat next to her and tried to comfort her. Barbz did not look too interested in opening up to him and simply dried her tears, allowing the two to continue with the finger pointing.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 09:31. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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