
Video :Diary Room: Trouble In Paradise

It would seem some of the personal relationships in the Upville House could be wreaking havoc on Task Presentation preparations. During their individual heart to heart’s with Big Brother, most of the Starmates expressed their reservations about pulling off their Bedtime Story rendition tomorrow evening. A lot of them pointed the finger at Prezzo and Goldie, who do not seem to be on speaking terms. Addressing the icy relations between the two, Barbz told Biggie that the lover’s tiff they had was interfering with the progression of the bedtime story. Lady May also touched on the issue, stating how she would never dream of getting involved in any close emotional relations in the House. “Look at what Goldie and Prezzo are doing right now. Everything between them is weird”, she said. When asked about Prezzo, Goldie told Biggie there is a strong need for people to keep their distance and respect boundaries. She did not delve into the matter further. Prezzo on the other hand said he and Goldie are “hanging in there”.

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