
Blog: Jannette Deny’s Holding Wati’s Genitals

Though it may appear a small issue  but to downvillers, Wati‘s claim of Jannette holding his manhood during the Saturday night party has left the housemates in a disturbing mood.
Talia and other housemates were very concerned about the issue and spent the whole of yesterday trying  to get the true side of the story from both Wati and his assailant Jannette.Talias efforts were futile as Wati refused to meet face to face with Jannette to discuss the issue.
The reality about Wati’s claim was not found and Jannette was infuriated by Wati’s assertion because it  tinted her image before her mates. Jannette’s country man Kyle also intervened to put thing right but his efforts too did not yield any fruits as the Malawian kept on twisting his story.
It was until IK  intervened during the live eviction last night that Wati accepted that he was  lying and  that Jannette did not touch his cherished area.  He said he  just concocted his story and  apologized to Jannette and other housemates.
However the issues seems not to have ended because it has been carried to today’s diary room session. Biggie asked the Ugandan contingent to talk about the issue and Jannette told Biggie that she did not touch anything related to  wati’s privacy.
She then went on to say that she is pissed of Wati, telling big broter that even if she was that generous she wouldn’t have been that kind to the Malawian. Kyle on the other hand reckoned his statement that Wati should stop being childish.
This is the second case of guys claiming that their female counterparts held their private area.  Roki was rumored to have made similar accusations on Maneta a day few days before their disqualification.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 08:52. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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