
Daybreak: Dirty Chicken

Daybreak: Dirty Chicken
This morning, Wati woke up to a detailed report of his drunken escapades.

After drinking a little too much last night, a groggy Wati was filled in on his antics, by Nafe and Malonza. Last night, Wati threw dirty water into the pot of chicken Jannette was making for dinner. As expected, Jannette was not too amused and stomped off to the bedroom. The furious Housemate threw herself on her bed and called it a night.

The Malawian Housemate had to even be summoned to the Diary Room by Big Brother, where he sobered up for a bit. After being hoisted into his bed by his fellow Housemates, Wati got back out and performed some more. This morning, Wati told Nafe he has absolutely no recollection of last night's events.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 14:24. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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