
Daybreak: Life Goes On

Daybreak: Life Goes On
The Upvillers picked up the pieces and put last night's drama behind them.

After Roki and Maneta were disqualified in dramatic fashion last night, the mood in the House this morning gave off a 'life goes on' vibe.

The Starmates looked and acted like they had moved past the fact that the game is set to go on without the Zimbabwean Housemates. MaybePrezzo and Keitta throwing insults at Manetabanished any feelings anyone could have had over her disqualification? The Kenyan Housemate waxed lyrical about all of Maneta's shortcomings and entertained everyone with insults directed at the Zimbabwean hottie.

Out of all the Housemates, we're more than positive Junia misses her buddy the most. The two spent only two days together after Junia was upgraded to Upville on Sunday. The drama they caused in just 48 hours ruffled more than a few feathers. Now that Roki is gone, Prezzo must be heaving a huge sigh of relief.

The Kenyan Housemate revealed in a candid Diary Session on Monday that Roki was irritating and fake. It must be nice to be the last remaining origional Upviller. The two other guys who call Upville home (Keitta and Keagan) started the game as Downvillers. Prezzo has been flexing his muscles and there is no shadow of a doubt that he rules the roost.

The boys have been banding around him and hanging on to his every word, since Roki's Stargame blew in the wind. Alpha male, anyone? Will they get tired of being bossed around or will someone eventually grow a backbone and decide to be their own person?

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 12:56. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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