
News: Upville Sombre Mood No More

Upvillers woke up to yet another exercise session and tried to put all that had happened yesterday behind them.
For the second time, they witnessed another disqualification of two of their own; Maneta and Roki.
The disqualification of Maneta affected newbie Juniawho had become close to Maneta, only time will tell if she will quickly cope without her former housemate. Roki’s exit generally affected the whole house andPrezzo in particular going by the way he reacted to his buddy’s sudden departure.
The housemates tried getting over the whole saga and engaged in conversations regarding Upville disqualifications especially Maneta who was dissed the most.
Well, the exercise session tried bringing about togetherness in the Upville camp as the housemates went about their morning drills.
Meanwhile, Prezzo is the only surviving male VIP from the initial three who entered the house on the first day, DKBand Roki have since been disqualified. Could destiny be at work for the male VIPs? Well, Prezzo could still be having some good luck. He’s now left with only two fellow male housemates Keitta and Keagan to relate to.
Well, we hope order will be restored in the house and everything returns to normal as soon as possible.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 12:41. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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