
Diary Room: Booze and Relationships

Diary Room: Booze and Relationships
Jannette and Tamara are finally on good terms, while Talia on the other hand, is concerned about Wati’s drinking.

After starting off on the wrong footing, Jannette and Tamara have finally buried the hatchet. In her Diary Session this afternoon, Jannette sangTamara's praises. "Tamara and I are close now. I think she's a very nice girl. We had our issues in the beginning, but we're way past that now," she said. Jannette also lamented the fact that the Zambian sisters are up for possible Eviction. "I am going to cry for them. Talia is great too and I would like to continue our friendship outside the House," she said.

When Jannette went into detail about her friendships with the boys in the House, there was only one person Kyle was interested in hearing about; Malonza. Jannette seemed a tad jumpy when the Kenyan Housemate was mentioned. Could it have anything to do with the two sharing a bed last night?

In her Diary Session, Talia expressed her concern at Wati's drinking. "I'm scared Wati's drinking could affect the Task adversely. When he’s intoxicated, he’s uncontrollable. Alex is a problem too when he's drunk," she said. Tamara told Big Brother how concerned she is at the amount of alcohol that is in the house.

"Everyone has a bottle to themselves. There is just too much booze in the House," she said.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 18:01. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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