
News: Junia's Weight Stress

News: Junia's Weight Stress
Junia's weight issues are keeping her wide awake.

Namibian Housemate Junia has had it with her belly, which she has named 'Fifi'. Over the past couple of days, Junia has complained of weight gain and about how difficult it has been for her to keep the weight off. Junia even spent most of her Diary Session this afternoon complaining about the state of health she is in.

Junia even cornered Lady May (who is a fitness fanatic) and asked her for tips that will help her with her issues. In his Diary Session, Keaganalso addressed the 'Fifi' issue. "We have been giving her hints and tips. It's not like I'm trying to be mean when I say something about Fifi. She needs motivation, so we're just trying to help out," Keagan said.

Junia has decided to go on a special diet which will help her attack the fat. Is the Namibian lass being too hard on herself? We think she looks just fine.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 17:59. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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