
Diary Room: Lady May Breaks Down

Diary Room: Lady May Breaks Down
The always guarded Lady May finally dropped her guard this afternoon and broke down in tears during her diary session. “I want to sleep all day. I don’t want to speak,” the songstress repeatedly stated with tears streaming down her face.

Since moving into the Big Brother House the Namibian has been the most private out of all the Housemates choosing to rather keep her emotions to herself which sparked a lot oftension between her and her fellow StarGamers who condemned her for isolating herself.

For the heavily guarded lass, Barbz’s exit from the Big Brother House seems to have been the final straw.

The two celebrity women had begun growing closer over the past week and as soon as Big Brother enquired the singer if her sullen mood had anything to do with the South African’s Eviction, she burst into tears. “I have to be strong in this House for my country. I miss Barbz,” muttered the celebrity Housemate through her tears.

Throughout the diary session the usually bubbly Lady May remained despondent and in a soft whisper she confessed to Big Brother: “Sometimes I just don’t want to be strong.”

Biggie did his best to try and console her as he told her that everyone has bad days and she should not beat herself up about it. He then reminded her that he would always be here for her if she needed someone to talk to this seems to have helped lift her spirits a bit.

Hopefully Biggie’s words will be enough to help Lady May to stay strong. Hang on Lady May and just remember that Africa is rooting for you.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 22:22. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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